Speaking Practice
How businessman react to 4.0 revolution for boost their own business through job seekers. Good evening everyone. In this chance I brought the topic about how businessman in indonesia react to the new age of 4.0 technology to boost their own business through job seekers nowadays everything growth so faster than before. because seems the future comes in hurry to full their promises to end this world as fast as they can. In another word, the world indeed designs to be destroyed by us. with various way. but today I will focus on the 4.0 revolution. through human behaviour and greediness of opportunities. I mean since the pandemic happens everything running with IoT and technology on it. in the beginning, It's good, to make people more aware of the new age of civilization. make people more consciousness to take a position about the new era of it. and take the responsibility to struggle with it. to face the reality to be harder than before to learn and understand. ...